Peshkov Buffalo Custom Zippo Lighter, Bi Metallic, Handmade In Russia
Brothers Aleksander & Artem Peshkov work out of a small workshop in Russia. They are incredibly talented and are able to turn their creative fantasies into cool objects. Each bead is handcrafted with ultimate attention to details. The forced patina is a time consuming & difficult technique to master, it adds character and ensures colour durability. Some of the Peshkov creations feature a bi-metallic construction, wher parts are made from different metals (Sterling Silver, Bronze, Copper, Brass) and welded together to create a stunning appearance.
The Buffalo custom Zippo lighter is a stunning work of art with intricate details, The quality, finish and uniqueness of Peshkov custom work takes a simple, functional Zippo lighter and transforms it into a magnificent artifact; A piece of pocket jewelery for those who appreciate finer things in life and admire hand crafted objects.
Whether you are a smoker or not, a custom Zippo lihgter is a fantastic addition to any EDC collection. It is great for photography and adds so much character to your EDC photos, it also looks good in the display case or just sitting on the table top.
Zippo Armor Case Heavy Duty
Bi-Mettalic Construction
Sterling 925 Silver Buffalo, Bullet End & Thumb Grip
Available in Blue or Bronze Patina